Teresa & Joe: Part 3
In our third and final episode of our Teresa & Joe series you will learn (1) how criminal plea deals generally work (and hear our Jen Shah digression about why we are cringing so hard at her Season 2 tagline), (2) why Teresa got jail time instead of probation, (3) why the court allowed Joe and Teresa to stagger their sentences, (4) why Teresa filed a legal malpractice claim against her bankruptcy attorney, (5) how and why Teresa and Joe got to keep their house, (6) why Joe got deported to Italy, and finally, (7) how a divorce is finalized when one party is out of the country and can never return.
This episode also includes tons of bonus content, including Cesie’s explanation of how and why some cases end up in federal court vs. state court, our discussion of the issues with privatized prisons (Teresa was in a government run prison) and Angela’s reading of excerpts from Teresa’s book Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again about Teresa’s journey to the Danbury Federal Correctional Center and her time there.
bonus content and links to documents discussed in the episode
Click the photo below to see the US Weekly article with pics from Teresa’s time at “camp.”
Partial Danbury Commissary List
the legal malpractice complaint teresa filed against her bankruptcy attorney
As we explain in the episode, the fact that a claim was filed doesn’t necessarily mean the bankruptcy attorney was negligent, and it looks like this claim settled - but we don’t have details. We do know that Teresa pled guilty to the crimes for which she was sentenced, which means Teresa admitted to the facts necessary for a conviction of those crimes.
If teresa’s conviction peaked your interest in the us prison system we encourage you to click here to learn more.